Hi, I'm Werawati, you can call me Ms. Wera or Ms. Edu-Be-Doo. I Hope you have some useful information in my blog about Kindergarten and all the kids stuff. Have fun y'all..Ta..Ta

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Started Schooling Kindergaten

A Moment for young children when faced with nursery school. A world facing new adventures and new habits, away from parents for several hours, out of the house for a while and meet new people who know the child. Teachers and classmates will be the ones who more often children encounter. This requires thorough preparation, in addition to Kindergaten selection and registration process to the school.

But what is often overlooked in the rush to prepare for kindergarten is that there is a very important participant in a process that also needs to do some preparation. The man is a mother.

Mother plays an important role in the process of new habit for the child to live a new life. Sometimes the mother ignores simple things are actually very important. Mother still consider the child as her little angel who must always be protected so that makes the mother over protectife on his son. This is very dangerous for the child's mental development and in the future. If you are ready to send children to kindergarten, you should avoid the nature and habits like this. Allow the child to grow independently with itself.

Now the time has come to let a little to be away from home every day for several hours a day and begin the road toward independence. Mother wants the right thing for her child and started moving as the people themselves is the right thing. But there are a lot of mixed emotions and feelings experienced by a mother even in getting your child or ready gal for kindergarten, much less on the day you let your kids go to the beginning of that uphill road toward higher education and succeed.

One person who can do many things to help mom get ready for the big day is the father. If he is a sensitive dad, he'll realize that there will be a lot of anxiety and concern along with the good old selfish desire not to let kiddo who left home. But the father may sound reasons for mothers and kindergarten children who either as deal with a new way of life. Gently counseling mothers that the road to independence is what will make that a child is young people succeed and ultimately a healthy and well adjusted adults, the logic of the system can filter your way to emotional and started to convince myself that this head case is true.

Other mothers who have been through this before, they are a great resource of extraordinary comfort and advice for how to get through the separation, especially some first day and week when the house looks empty dan too calm. Friends can advise that the mother on how to fill that time, in the things that can be done to reduce anxiety, such as volunteering in schools and in the wonderful victory that the family will celebrate together when the little pulang from kindergarten filled with excitement about what she learned that day.

There are many ways mothers can get involved with schools to help. That energy is felt in the emotions that you experienced because of the energy for change can be good for the school and to support your children while they are in class studying to become a good student. There are programs such as Mother in Touch and volunteer organizations for the benefit of libraries, for raising funds for new furniture and equipment to schools and to help teachers buy supplies.

If you have good energy channels that love and care that used to be used only to treat a child towards a good purpose like this, the school will benefit and so will you and your Childs class teacher. So in a way you continue to nurture and care for the baby to look after the environment that made him a better person. And it is a good way for mom to get ready for kindergarten before the child goes to school every day this year and Childs important in your life.


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