Hi, I'm Werawati, you can call me Ms. Wera or Ms. Edu-Be-Doo. I Hope you have some useful information in my blog about Kindergarten and all the kids stuff. Have fun y'all..Ta..Ta

Monday, June 28, 2010

Download Kindergarten Song

There are several kindergarten songs, I create these song to help you in looking for kids song. Please click link below!

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Play is Kid's Work for Healthy Child Development

Kids are under so much pressure today, that time for creative and imaginative play takes a back seat to the day's pressing demands. Appointments, deadlines, finances and job demands dominate the thought processes of parents, while the importance of developing the cognitive skills, social skills, and problem-solving skills in children of all ages is often deemed better left to the schools. Kids are playing less at home and at school. Lack of creative play can hinder child development. Parents who want the best for their children must allow time for kids to play.

Play is one of the earliest interactions that children have with the world. Even in early infanthood, curiosity and imagination lead to object manipulation, cause and effect responses, and development of dexterity and physical strength. Babies learn how to control their surroundings. Toddlers begin to emulate adults in creative play, and can use it to conquer fears, develop emotional security, and learn new competencies. Preschoolers and young children learn how to interact with others, and can develop their emotional maturity, linguistic skills and social skills.

Elementary school aged children continue to develop cognitive, emotional and social development skills through play. In young school aged children, free play encourages decision making skills, leadership skills, and also serves to help young children identify their own areas of interest. Through this, kids receive inner suggestions of their likes and dislikes. With time, children more clearly identify their preferences and can passionately follow and develop their talents and interests.

Mums engaging in play with babies or young kids can get a refreshing look at the world through a younger person's eyes. However, it is important for mum to remember that kids' free and self-directed play help children come to terms with self-confidence, manipulation skills, negotiating skills, and decision making skills. It nurtures creativity and imagination to levels that help kids deal with complex situations and problems which later contributes to forming problem-solving skills. Children's playtime is more than play. It's kid's work for healthy child development.

Too often, today's world suffocates the creative and imaginative potential available for the free play that is a significant contributor to healthy child development. TVs need to be shut off. Neighborhoods need to be safer. Time has to stop to let kids play in their own world. Kids need to balance organized and free play, playing with mum and self-directed playtime. This basic need is a right of every child. Parents need to take a step back and make sure their children have time to enjoy creative play time. Take a refreshing look at the world. Get involved with your children and join in their games.

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Teaching Science Through Cooking

Cooking is an art as well as a necessity of our lives. It can bring great joy to both the cook, as well as those who partake of the well-prepared meal and it can also be a valuable and nutritious addition to our overall health and well being. One might think that cooking and science have little in common, yet that is simply not true, as cooking offers a wide variety of opportunities to teach science to our young. By sharing quality time cooking with our children, they can learn valuable lessons not only in the ethic of work and responsibility but also in the area of science.

Experimenting In The Kitchen

Simple scientific experiments can be conducted within the comfortable confines of ones own kitchen and the end results can be edible! What an approach to science! Yet because the students are learning in a comforting and enjoyable atmosphere, it is not like the stifled book-learning approach to science. Cooking offers the child a hands on and tangible experience, while at the same time teaching them a life skill they can use daily. Children from kindergarten to college can gain practical applications and life-long knowledge by using this approach. Some example of fun experiments parents can incorporate include making candyfloss and ice cream. Making ice cream, for example, allows the exploration of the freezing point of matter. One can also talk about the role of temperature, whipping and foaming during the process. Children can learn a wide range of science concepts while they enjoy the learning process. What is more is that they get to enjoy a tasty treat at the end of the process.

Difficult chemistry concepts such as radiation, convection, conduction, energy and carbohydrate chemistry may seem overwhelming to many students, yet exploring and appreciating these science concepts during our food preparation can makes it a fun and exciting adventure. For a start, one can study the various forms of heat transfer and their different roles it play in the cooking process. With regard to specific foods, milk and dairy products can be discussed as you use them in your cooking, such as how the cows produce milk, what milk is made of, the nutrients within the milk and the difference between fermented and non-fermented products.

Plants can also be easily incorporated into our discussions. Cooking vegetables is a science itself. Even preseving them, such as kimchi, is an excellent introduction to food nutrition and preservation. By the way, talking about kimchi, in it lives a host of live organisms which one can conduct experiments on. Moreover, it also gives you an excellent opportunity to talk about Korean culture and food. Concepts such as osmosis, pH value, density of the food, as well as dissecting the vegetables to identify plant tissue and structure can be explored too.

With the wide variety of creative ideas for experimentation, the kitchen is a wonderful learning laboratory for people of all ages.

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Using Arts and Crafts For Kids to Encourage Creativity

Children can benefit greatly from their own creativity. While some people mistakenly classify creativity as the possession of specific types of skills related to artistic expression, that's only part of what the term comprises. Creative people typically are better problem solvers because they are able to seek out unique approaches and solutions that others may not recognize. This can be a useful skill for any career, for their education, and for their future. To help children reap these rewards, parents can use arts and crafts for kids and other efforts to encourage creativity.

Encourage Free Creative Exploration

Handing over arts and crafts for kids is just part of the process. If you're standing over your children and passing judgment on their results, they are not going to feel comfortable with their creativity. Children will eventually develop the ability to evaluate their own work and others' work but now is the time for them to feel relaxed and free to use arts and crafts for kids as they see fit.

When children are given an environment that makes them feel free to be creative, they are going to open up their imagination and produce their best results.
Adapt to the Child's Ideas

In many classrooms, kids are being reprimanded when their creative vision does not match the vision of the teacher. When you're giving arts and crafts for kids to your children, you should make sure not to stifle their ideas or to force those ideas to conform to your own. For example, if the child draws a picture of the park and uses unusual colors for the trees don't criticize the child's color choice. Instead, begin talking about the choice and give the child freedom to express their creative ideas verbally as well as with arts and crafts for kids.

Encourage Children to Use Creative Problem Solving

Providing arts and crafts for kids is only one part of the process. You should also encourage your children to apply that creativity in other ways. For example, you could present your child with a problem and asked him or her to come up with a creative solution. Remember this requires thinking outside of traditional thought patterns. Not only can this be fun but it's a great extension to what your child is learning from the arts and crafts for kids. It's also a good way to work on creativity together and to express your encouragement for creative thinking.

Look for Schools that Share Your Appreciation for Creativity

If you have a chance to choose your child's pre-school, kindergarten, or even primary school, make sure to look for schools that provide high quality arts and crafts for kids but that also have other methods of using creativity in the daily activities. You also want to work with teachers who share your vision about the importance of creativity and the appreciation for the role arts and crafts for kids can play in your child's future.

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